Our well-connected and bipartisan team, in collaboration with our League partners, delivers unmatched 360-degree advocacy for credit unions everywhere.
America’s Credit Unions provides one united voice for the credit union industry. Our policy priorities are to protect, empower, and advance credit unions, ensuring they can meet the needs of the nearly 140 million people who depend on them for their financial security.
Credit unions improve financial well-being for all
In its simplest form, financial well-being for all is the credit union difference. The work credit unions do day in, and day out make this possible.
State-specific data and information
Access important data and information specific to your state that highlights the credit union difference.
Ballast Research study of Washington policymakers found the CUNA-League system the most influential financial services association for the sixth year.
This compendium outlines the authority and direction for key policies CUNA is fighting for.