Provides oversight and ensures the adequacy of the company's financial reporting, accounting, compliance, risk and other control systems and practices.
Your CUNA membership delivers benefits that make an impact. As a member, you have the opportunity to engage in credit union-supporting committees.
Provides oversight and ensures the adequacy of the company's financial reporting, accounting, compliance, risk and other control systems and practices.
Develops the budget and recommends its approval to the CUNA Board of Directors for future years.
Oversees CUNA's governance structure including bylaws and board policies.
The National Advocacy Fund’s mission is to fund extraordinary advocacy initiatives and campaigns on behalf of CUNA, Leagues and credit unions in support of the CUNA/League system’s advocacy agenda.
Helps plan and develop the agendas for the CUNA National Credit Union Roundtable meetings.
Promotes unity between credit unions of all sizes and strives to defend against any and all threats to their cooperative, not-for-profit, democratic structure.
Assists in the development of CUNA's strategy for the increased involvement and support of credit union volunteers.
Advises and provides policy recommendations to the CUNA Board of Directors regarding advocacy issues affecting the credit union movement.
Monitors developments, addresses concerns and advises in the area of consumer financial protection laws and regulations. Committee members
Provides feedback on pending legislative and regulatory proposals affecting credit union powers at the federal and state government level. Committee members
Monitors, addresses, advises on and makes recommendations to the Advocacy Committee on the concern for safe, fair and efficient examinations for federal and state credit unions. Committee members
Monitors developments, addresses concerns, advises and makes recommendations in the areas of housing, housing finance, and mortgage lending law. Committee members
Monitors, reviews, advises on and makes recommendations on operational and public policy issues related to payments systems, data security and cybersecurity. Committee members
Develops policies, strategies, leadership, education and resources for credit unions with respect to all facets of the international credit union movement. Committee members